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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Introduction to Fundamental Forces of Universe...


 We often read and here about various kinds of forces like Gravitational force, Wander Wall Force, Inter Atomic Repulsion force etc. Then a question strike in mind that among these all forces which are the fundamental forces of Nature ? And why they exists at all ?

  Over centuries this a very huge unsolved mystery for the human being. This epic mastery is solved by a rising star of Theoretical physics Albert Einstein. He is the first man who said that there are only 4 kind of forces in the universe. And they are fundamental forces of universe. These forces are the Creator, Master and soul of universe. These forces are:

1. Gravity
2. Electromagnetic
3. Weak Force
4. Nuclear Force

  These all he forces are necessary for holding the universe. All the things we see in the nature are due to existence of these forces. The story behind existence of these force is still unknown. But The time when they come into existence is known. And the journey for there existence as strange as they are.

  So the story begins with a Titanic explosion which is called as the Big Bang. After a few planks time. A planks time is given below:

  A planks time is quantum of time and this name is given to it on the name Max Plank. A quantum of time means this is the last time fraction which exists and can be measured. The time always an Integral multiple of this planks time.

  Now we return to the story, After a few planks time gravity is come into existence and as it do forever it tries to attract newly the subatomic particles. The temperature of universe is high about trillions of degrees. Then the subatomic particles are begin to collide with each other, and matter and antimatter is begun to annihilating each other. It is pure chance that there is one billion and 1 particle of matter per one billion particle of antimatter. Only one another force is then exists and it tries to change there paths. There is no atom in the universe till now. The two forces which are making universe are Gravity and Great Force. The great force is not given this name at all, but we consider it for rolling our story.

  This great force is combination of Electromagnetic, weak and nuclear forces. This result is obtained by the GUT i.e. Grand Unification Theory, That at extreme temp and pressure the forces of universe will merge together and make a super force, in this we called it as Great-Force.

  With time when the universe will get colder these forces begin to act separately all the other three forces are separated approx simultaneously, and these forces stick together the subatomic particle and then the first atom is can be seen in the universe.

  Now the atoms are ready for the endless battle of become stable. Then all the matter is come into existence. And one day these atom made a spices which can think and understand these forces of nature.

  This is all the story of fundamental forces of universe. The mathematical aspect are also strange as these forces are.
The mathematical formulation of forces is as follows:

1. Gravitation: Gravitation is universal force which always attract all the things together, as shown in figure below.

Newtonian Universal law of gravitation is as follow which shows how force work on two bodies.

2. Electromagnetic Force: Electromagnetic Force is of both type attractive and repulsive. It is attractive between different type of charges and repulsive between same type of charges. The Electric line of forces are like the figure below:

3. Weak Force: Weak force is acting on nuclear scale. It is acting on the decaying nucleus. The ß particle decay is shown in figure:

4. Nuclear Force: The nuclear force is strongest force. It can bind proton to proton, proton to neutron and neutron to neutron. The working of nuclear force at subatomic level can be seen in below figure:

The Relation study can be seen at following link.

That is all about introduction of fundamental forces of universe.

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