Till now we have been learnt enough about C/C++ Graphics. Now we lead to more advance graphics VB.Net.
For graphics in VB.Net, basic things are same as in the C/C++ graphics. Following is demo of projectile motion.
I am writing this blog on the basis of You have already know how to work with VB.net.
All you to done is as follows:
1. Make a new windows form project using Visual studio in VB
2. Adjust the size of Form as according to you.
3. Add a PictureBox Tool to the form and name it as 'CurvePic'
4. Add a Button and name it as 'DrawBtn'
5. Add 2 TextBoxes and name them 'VelociyTxt' and 'AngleTxt'
6. Double click the form, a form_load subroutine will create.
7. Write below code in Form_load Subroutine
Dim bcolor As Color
bcolor = Color.FromArgb(red:=100, blue:=50, green:=150)
Me.BackColor = bcolor
TitleTxt.BackColor = bcolor
VelocityLblTxt.BackColor = bcolor
AngleLblTxt.BackColor = bcolor
CurvePic.BackColor = Color.White
VelocityTxt.Text = "10 m/sec"
AngleTxt.Text = "0°"
velocity = 10
angle = 0
8. On the top of code viewer write following code
Imports System.Math
9. In the public class (just above the form_load) write
Dim velocity, angle As Double
10. goto the designer and double click the "DrawBtn". A click event is created for the "DrawBtn". Write follwing code in this
'Declaration for variables used in drawing
Dim x, y, t As Double
Dim acc, scl As Double
Dim ox, oy As Integer
Dim tllim, tulim As Double
Dim posx, posy As Long
Dim rad_angle As Double
'Conversion from degree to radian
rad_angle = (2 * PI / 360) * angle
'here our very known acc and scl for plotting
acc = 0.01
scl = 10
'Computer Coordinates of origin
ox = CInt(CurvePic.Width / 2)
oy = CInt(CurvePic.Height / 2)
'Projectile Motion is totally depend on time, so here are time parameter for motion
tllim = -1000
tulim = 1000
'Define projectile as object of graphics class
Dim projectile As Graphics
'Define Our curve as bitmap image
Dim curve As New Bitmap(Width:=CurvePic.Width, Height:=CurvePic.Height)
'The projectile object will handle the curvepic object
projectile = Graphics.FromHwnd(CurvePic().Handle)
'Since the projectile is now handling the CurvePic so following code will make a white rectangle on the CurvePic, for deletion of previous curve.
projectile.FillRectangle(Brushes.White, x:=0, y:=0, height:=CurvePic.Height, width:=CurvePic.Width)
'Here is out time running
For t = tllim To tulim Step acc
'Parametric equation for projectile's horizontal and vertical motion
x = velocity * Cos(rad_angle) * t
y = velocity * Sin(rad_angle) - (1 / 2) * (9.8) * (t ^ 2)
'Coordinate Conversion
posx = CLng(ox + x * scl)
posy = CLng(oy - y * scl)
'Clipping of curve so it will not go further the drawing window here it is CurvePic
If posx > 0 And posx < CurvePic.Width And posy > 0 And posy < CurvePic.Height Then
'set the posx and posy pixel of curve bitmap as blue, which is out projectile's trajectory
curve.SetPixel(x:=posx, y:=posy, color:=Color.Blue)
'Axis Plotting
curve.SetPixel(x:=ox, y:=posy, color:=Color.Red)
curve.SetPixel(x:=posx, y:=oy, color:=Color.Red)
'This will Draw the Curve bitmap to the CurvePic so we able to see the movement of projectile
projectile.DrawImageUnscaled(image:=curve, x:=0, y:=0)
End If
'Put the complete image onto the CurvePic so we can see the total projectile path
CurvePic.Image = curve
11. Now make four events as shown below
Private Sub VelocityTxt_MouseEnter(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles VelocityTxt.MouseEnter
VelocityTxt.Text = velocity
End Sub
Private Sub VelocityTxt_MouseLeave(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles VelocityTxt.MouseLeave
velocity = VelocityTxt.Text
VelocityTxt.Text = VelocityTxt.Text + " m/sec"
End Sub
Private Sub AngleTxt_MouseEnter(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles AngleTxt.MouseEnter
AngleTxt.Text = angle
End Sub
Private Sub AngleTxt_MouseLeave(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles AngleTxt.MouseLeave
AngleTxt.Text = AngleTxt.Text + "°"
End Sub
12. That is all. Run the program and you will get full trajectory of projectile.
After making whole code the code must look like:
Imports System.Math
Public Class projectile
Dim velocity, angle As Double
Private Sub projectile_FormClosing(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.FormClosingEventArgs) Handles Me.FormClosing
MsgBox("Thanks For Using This Demo" + Chr(13) + "Pushpkant Yadav")
End Sub
Private Sub projectile_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim bcolor As Color
bcolor = Color.FromArgb(red:=100, blue:=50, green:=150)
Me.BackColor = bcolor
TitleTxt.BackColor = bcolor
VelocityLblTxt.BackColor = bcolor
AngleLblTxt.BackColor = bcolor
CurvePic.BackColor = Color.White
VelocityTxt.Text = "10 m/sec"
AngleTxt.Text = "0°"
velocity = 10
angle = 0
End Sub
Private Sub DrawBtn_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles DrawBtn.Click
Dim x, y, t As Double
Dim acc, scl As Double
Dim ox, oy As Integer
Dim tllim, tulim As Double
Dim posx, posy As Long
Dim rad_angle As Double
rad_angle = (2 * PI / 360) * angle
acc = 0.01
scl = 10
ox = CInt(CurvePic.Width / 2)
oy = CInt(CurvePic.Height / 2)
tllim = -1000
tulim = 1000
Dim projectile As Graphics
Dim curve As New Bitmap(Width:=CurvePic.Width, Height:=CurvePic.Height)
projectile = Graphics.FromHwnd(CurvePic().Handle)
projectile.FillRectangle(Brushes.White, x:=0, y:=0, height:=CurvePic.Height, width:=CurvePic.Width)
For t = tllim To tulim Step acc
x = velocity * Cos(rad_angle) * t
y = velocity * Sin(rad_angle) - (1 / 2) * (9.8) * (t ^ 2)
posx = CLng(ox + x * scl)
posy = CLng(oy - y * scl)
If posx > 0 And posx < CurvePic.Width And posy > 0 And posy < CurvePic.Height Then
curve.SetPixel(x:=posx, y:=posy, color:=Color.Blue)
curve.SetPixel(x:=ox, y:=posy, color:=Color.Red)
curve.SetPixel(x:=posx, y:=oy, color:=Color.Red)
projectile.DrawImageUnscaled(image:=curve, x:=0, y:=0)
End If
CurvePic.Image = curve
End Sub
Private Sub VelocityTxt_MouseEnter(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles VelocityTxt.MouseEnter
VelocityTxt.Text = velocity
End Sub
Private Sub VelocityTxt_MouseLeave(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles VelocityTxt.MouseLeave
velocity = VelocityTxt.Text
VelocityTxt.Text = VelocityTxt.Text + " m/sec"
End Sub
Private Sub AngleTxt_MouseEnter(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles AngleTxt.MouseEnter
AngleTxt.Text = angle
End Sub
Private Sub AngleTxt_MouseLeave(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles AngleTxt.MouseLeave
AngleTxt.Text = AngleTxt.Text + "°"
End Sub
End Class
if everything was correctly done, there is no error in this code.
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